| personal data

| work experience

| academic education

| conferences

| military service

| school education

| hobbies & interests


10/2007 - 10/2003 Imperial College London

PhD program completed with thesis: "The role of the Band 7 protein superfamily in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803".

04/2003 - 10/1999 LMU Muenchen

"Hauptstudium" completed with diploma thesis: "Charakterisierung und Klonierung von Alb3".

05/1999 - 08/1998 University of Wyoming (USA)

Foreign Student Exchange Program.

06/1998 - 10/1996 University of Oldenburg

"Grundstudium" completed with the "Vordiplom".

Lebenslauf download (auf deutsch)

Last update: 22.02.2015

© by Marko Böhm
